
“The greatest among you will be your servant.”   

Matthew 23:11

We support the needs of our local communities by collecting and delivering food and toiletries to the Allen Food Patry. The Allen Food Pantry serves those in need of food, including those out of work, Grandparents caring for grandchildren of unemployed children, soldiers returning from deployment unable to find a job, and others who find themselves in financial difficulty. If you ever find yourself struggling to feed yourself and your family please come by the food pantry when they are open.

Helping Hands serves individuals and families during times of need by providing meals 3 days a week for 40 days. Celebrating the birth of a new baby, assisting those undergoing a recent surgery or medical treatment, or supporting a family after the loss of a loved one are some ways in which our parishiners share Christ’s love to our brothers and sisters. An email is sent for each new help calendar, and the links are also shared in the weekly email for anyone to sign up to provide a meal.

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